
Frequency Of Calibration For Instruments And Other Measuring Instruments In Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Units

Instruments calibration and other measuring devices are carried out to verify its performance. This is a comparison of readings found from the instruments or gauges and values or known reference standards. The difference between measurable value and standard value helps determine the performance of the instrument.

The instrument was calibrated when initially used but the frequency of the instrument calibration was always a question. In general, instruments in quality control and other measuring devices in manufacturing units are calibrated in traditions that are generally followed in all pharmaceutical manufacturing units and it never changes.

Calibration history cards can ever help set the frequency of calibration instruments. If the results of the instrument calibration remain in specifications for a certain period, the calibration frequency can be updated.

Shorter calibration intervals can reduce the risk of analysis or measurement errors but longer calibration intervals can reduce labor and company costs. The frequency of calibration is determined by the factors that influence the accuracy of measurement as the frequency of using instruments, the surrounding environmental conditions (temperature, humidity and vibration etc.), accuracy of the necessary results etc.

The Calibration Frequency Must Be Increased When:

  • Each instrument, measuring instrument or sensor is found out of the tolerance limit during routine calibration.
  • Any errors in measurement with instruments or devices can lead to batch quality problems or any security issues.
  • Each instrument or sensor is used in a critical process where the error in the results can cause damage.

The Calibration Frequency Must Be Must Be Reduced When:

  • The calibration results are found with the specified limit during the calibration of a long period of time.
  • Instrument tools or measuring instruments are used in a process that is not critical as pressure gauge calibration.

The proper calibration procedure can help a company to reduce the unexpected breakdown and any kind of damage to their instruments and thereby helps in reducing unexpected expenses so, RHOMBUS PHARMA PVT.LTD. being one of the leading PCD PHARMA FRANCHISE COMPANY IN INDIA is following particular norms since the inception of manufacturing and analytical facility.

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